所属 |
人文学部 国際文化学科 |
職位 |
准教授 |
学位 |
博士(第二言語研究・言語学) |
学歴 |
Indiana University, Bloomington: Joint PhD. Second Language Studies & Linguistics
インディアナ大学ブルーミントン 二重博士(第二言語研究・言語学) |
専門分野 |
Second Language Acquisiton, (第二言語習得)
Second Language Pedagogy (第二外国語指導法)
English Linguistics (英語学) |
主な担当科目 |
英語I,II,III(必須科目)、CALL (Speaking & Listening)、社会言語学 |
主な研究テーマ |
Simulations/Games in Language Learning
Language Teacher Training |
研究キーワード |
L2 Pragmatics (第二言語語用論)
Computer Assisted Language Learning (コンピュータを使った語学学習)
Task Based Language Teaching (タスクに基づく言語指導法)
English Linguistics (英語学)
Japanese Linguistics (日本語学) |
所属学会 |
- American Association of Applied Linguistics
- American Pragmatics Association
- Japan Association of Language Teachers
- Japanese Pragmatics Association
社会活動 |
- 2020年~現在 出前講座 (言語学・外国教育について)宮崎県内高等学校
- 2019年 査読員 [Studies in Second Language Acquisition], [Language Learning & Technology], [Language Teaching Research]
- 2019年 抄録審査員 [Pragmatics and Language Learning], [7th Workshop on the Challenges in the Management of Large Corpora]
- 2019年 採点ボランティア [North American Computational Linguistics Olympiad (NACLO)]
- 2016年 会議ボランティアとセッションリーダー 「American Pragmatics Association」
- 2015年 企画委員 [Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition]
- 2013年 東日本大震災のため、募金活動を実施
- 2012年 口蹄疫から立ち直る宮崎の農家を支援するため募金活動を実施
外部資金獲得 |
外部資金獲得 日本学術振興会:「適応型談話完成タスクの開発」
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science: Developing an adaptive discourse completion task
2023-04-01 - 2026-03-31 (¥2,210,000) |
メッセージ |
主な著書・論文 |
- Richards, P.M. (in press). Computer simulations for (im)politeness instruction: Avatar versus interface feedback. In M. González-Lloret, & J. Sykes (Eds.), Pragmatics and Language Learning, (Vol. 15). Honolulu: University of Hawai'i, National Foreign Language Resource Center.
- Richards, P. (2024). Pragmatic feedback on refusals in a computer-simulated advising session. Language Learning & Technology, 28(1), 1-26. https://hdl.handle.net/10125/73549
- Richards, P. (2023). Project based learning in an Eigogaku course: Bridging the gap between (English) linguistics and language pedagogy. https://doi.org/10.1075/pl.23005.ric
- Richards, P. (2022). Thoughts on pragmatic feedback: Examples from English and Japanese. Pragmatics Matters, 59.16-22.
- Richards, P. (2021). Computer simulations in pragmatics instruction: Experimentally investigating the effects of feedback on pragmatics. [Doctoral Dissertation]. ProQuest.
- Richards, P. (2020). On the cross-linguistic word order in noun phrases: Evidence from Japanese and Mandarin. Comprative Culture, 25, 79-91.
- Richards, P. (2020). Linguistics for Language learning: An approach for learner autonomy. Comparative Culture, 25, 92-104.
- Richards, P. (2020). Noticing of pragmatic features from a video model of an advising session. Indiana University working papers in linguistics, 20, 1-33.
学会発表 |
- Richards, P. (2023, Nov). Linguistics for English pedagogy: PBL in an eigogaku course. Paper presented at JALT Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition. [Virtual]
- Richards, P. (2022, Nov). We need to talk about (in)directness: A major coding problem in L2 pragmatics. Paper presented at American Pragmatics Association. [Virtual]
- Richards, P. (2022, Nov). Assessing pragmatic development. Untangling form and learner subjectivity. Paper presented at JALT 47th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition. Fukuoka, Japan.
- Richards, P. (2022, Sep). Computer simulations and (im)politeness instruction: Avatar vs. interface feedback. Paper presented at Pragmatics and Language Learning. [Virtual]
- Richards, P. (2022, Mar). Pragmatic feedback on refusals and requests in a computer simulation of an academic advising session. Paper presented at American Association of Applied Linguistics. [Virtual]
- Richards, P. (2021, Nov). Effectiveness of feedback in computer simulations for pragmatics instruction. Paper presented at JALT 47th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition. [Virtual]
- Richards, P. (2020, Nov). Covid Response: Groupwork on Zoom. Paper presented at Indiana Teachers of English to Speakers of Other languages (INTESOL), Indianapolis, IN.
- Richards, P. (2019, Oct). Test Review: Pragmatics in the Business Japanese Proficiency Test. Paper presented at Midwest Association of Language Techers (MwALT), Bloomington, IN.
- Richards, P. (2019, Sept). Designing a Task-Based Academic Advising Session Simulation for Pragmatics Instruction. Paper presented at 17th Annual Technology for Second Language Learning Conference, Ames, IA.
- Richards, P. (2019, March). Pragmatic feedback through an academic advising simulation. Paper presented at Teachers of English to Speakers of other Languages (TESOL) Electronic Village Developers Showcase, Atlanta, GA.
- Richards, P. (2018, December). Games as prepackaged tasks: Not so fast. Paper presented at Indiana Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (INTESOL), Indianapolis, IN.
- Richards, P. (2018, November). Pragmatic noticing from a model video. Paper presented at 4th International Conference of the American Pragmatics Association (AMPRA), Albany, NY.
- Richards, P. (2017, November). Online chat as a tool for providing corrective feedback on grammar. Paper presented at Indiana Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (INTESOL), Indianapolis, IN.
- Richards, P. (2016, November). Towards a Task-Based fluency instruction. Paper presented at Indiana Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (INTESOL), Indianapolis, IN.
- Richards, P. (2016, June). Does NOTHING transfer? A corpus analysis of second language relative clause development. Poster presented at Corpus Linguistics Fest (CLiF), Bloomington, IN.